After completing a doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Graz, Gilman Bakalli took an active part in Albanian public life as teacher, researcher, and politician. He was cut short in his efforts of completing the promise of the book’s title – 36 ideas and debates – so that the 27 essays in this book deconstruct its title, serve as an invitation to imagine the contents of the remaining nine titles, and embody the dynamics between constant flux and stagnation that the essays discuss.
- Programm
- Geisteswissenschaft
- Medizin
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Pädagogik
- Verlagsvorschauen
- Autor:innen
- Institute
- Anton Bruckner Institut (ABIL)
- Graz Museum
- KFU Graz – Institut für Antike
- KFU Graz – Institut für Musikwissenschaften
- KFU Graz – Institut Rechtsgeschichte & Europäische Rechtsentwicklung
- KFU Graz – treffpunkt sprachen
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung
- Oberösterreichisches Volksliedwerk
- Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
- Open Access
- Service
- Verlag